Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

This week has zoomed by. I had plans (oh yes I make plans)but needed to tweak them a bit due to an over-used back. But you know what? Resting, slowing down and even stopping for a short time was what was truly needed.

 This is how I imagine my evenings. A small cabin somewhere nestled in the woods. Maybe not the snow but I'll take it!

I encourage you over the next couple of days of busy-ness to take time to just be; to find that warm, cozy place in your mind.  Remember that you are loved and that you are LOVE.  God is with us and in us; with you and in you.  Honor the great spark of light and love that you are.  Those around you will see this in you.

Be safe, be loved and enjoy the holidays.

In love, peace and joy.

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