Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Searching for a Sign

Light in the night (Castelldefels)Image by jcarlosn via Flickr

From "The Sign of Jonah" *

"I am searching for a sign that there is light and life and love at the end of this tunnel".

As I search for light in all it's forms I release those negative parts of me that hold me back. That's mostly me. It's my attitude, self-centred, unlovely, self. These all create shadow around who I really am. They dampen my joy and hold me back from achieving; from sharing. Can others truly see my light? How brightly does my inner star shine?

Over the next 40 days, in my spiritual practice, I intend to pull up the shades and awaken to the beautiful, loving and caring person I know I can be.

Do you have things that hold you back? What's covering up your light?

* taken from The Sign of Jonah by Peter Mead. Creative Communications for the Parish

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