Saturday, June 27, 2009

Calm, cool and collected!

Google Maps HybridImage by Telendro via Flickr

That's my mantra for the day. I'm sitting in my hotel room in Laval attempting to relax before dressing for the big gig tonight! Is it working? Slightly...I think.

I am calm. (working on this one)

I am cool. (air conditioning is working well)

I am collected. (all is ready to go)

Now, if yahoo and google maps could just give me the same results when I do a search of the venues I would be so very happy. Even my Blackberry gives me a different route. What's a gal to do?!

So I sit here, working on french lyrics and diction for tonight. I love playing for the choir and am honored that I am given the opportunity to also sing with them. So much fun!

The venue tonight is a local church. I'm looking forward to it as many churches have amazing accoustics.

As for Laval, haven't seen too much other than a few blocks from the hotel. We visited a wonderful grocery/bakery during lunch today where I was able to get a bag of ripe plums and are so sweet and juicy. Yummy!

I can see Mont Royal from our 7th story window. Not sure but we might venture into the city (Montreal) later tomorrow before heading for home. I figure it's been about 20 years since I've even been this close. Gee if I could wait until Tuesday I could go and see Stevie Wonder!! Montreal is a great place to be!!!

Well off to make myself beautiful for tonight!

Are you doing anything exciting this weekend?

Til again,

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer is Comin' In!

Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus)Image via Wikipedia

Loudly sing Cuckoo!

Well depending on your neighbours possibly not too loudly! lol

June is definitely one of my favorite months. Not just because it's my birthday month but because of the great weather and the promise of summer. I absolutely love the water and wait for the pool to warm up to about 66F before I jump in. This week it's been sitting at 70F and so refreshing to swim laps. Much warmer than that and it's nice but...not as refreshing!

My food plan for this week is fairly simple; at least for me. I'm working on about 70% raw right now and it feels good for me. Isn't that what the whole diet and food process is all about? For me it's about balance and finding something that I really can stay with over the long haul. My staple right now is watermelon! The melons right now, although not yet local, are really sweet and wonderful. My only problem is being sure that I don't eat any after the dinner hour. All that water needs to go somewhere, right? I really do prefer sleeping through the night. lol

Off to plan my day. Make yours wonderful! I know mine will be.

Til again,

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Take a look!!!

This is really exciting!! Only one week to go before:

Raw Mom Summit - The Evolution of Motherhood has arrived

I've signed up...come and join me!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Still struggling...looking for gigs!

Those of you who are near and dear to me know about my fall and struggles with my foot. So...being the brave little girl I am I finally went to the Dr and for xrays! Don't know anything yet. I have physio to go to as well but after the initial meeting I simply don't have the bucks to pay for that. So much for universal health care in Ontario eh? At least the Dr's appointment and xray was "free". I really do need an additional health care plan. That's next on the list along with increasing my income.

Anyone need some "live" entertainment for an upcoming garden party?? I'm good at soft music and can fade into the wood work of any indoor or outdoor party. lol Translates: I really am a performer but don't need to take centre stage.

Playing my portable piano doesn't put too much strain on my ankle which is a very good thing. Playing a baby grand would be much more pain-filled.

So if you need a great piano player just drop me an email. Will travel any where in the Ottawa/Eastern Ontario region. I take cash, cheque, and paypal! lol

Well, there you have it. Plain and simple. I need some money and am willing to work. lol Just don't put me weeding in the garden...foot wouldn't take that too well! See, I haven't lost my sense of humor!

I'm almost finished a shawl that was to be in a silent aution in May. Will post pictures asap!

Have a super week!
Til again,

Saturday, June 6, 2009