Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday's Moments

You know the days pass and weeks pass and soon you find yourself in new season.  Summer is creeping up on me and although some things are winding down to allow for some leisure activities, I'm finding myself saddened to have closed out the season.

What happened to the winter? What happened to all the meetings, rehearsals and time running around in busy-ness?

Well, that's what happens when life happens, when my life happens.  If I don't take the time to really appreciate those around me or those moments that happen unexpectedly, then how can I really be "present"?
As we move towards a new month my intention is to be right where I am.  I need to be fully aware and instep with all the wonderful moments around me.
Here's my plan:
  1. clearly define my goals and tasks
  2. plan moments into my day that allow for deeps breaths and for sending love outwards
  3. remind my dear hearts how much they mean to me
And last, but not least, to SMILE!

Simple?  Sure is!
Want to join me?  What would happen if you set your intentions for June?
I would love it if you could share we me.


ps  a slow paced song but beautiful and I dare you to watch it ...see you're smiling already!!


(cross-posted in  Want info? Ask me.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

It's the weekend!

One of the things I like to do on Saturday is plan out my calendar for the coming week.  By doing this task I'm able to enjoy the rest of the weekend without concerns about my to do list.

I like to be organized but need to allow for flexibility within the structure I set up.  Make sense?

So I "plan" free-time into each day.  Not that the time is free or that I have nothing to do but those times are when I knit, spin, exercise, talk with a friend, write personal emails or even Blog if the spirit moves me to do so.

Well, now that I've finished up with my calendar for the first week of June, I'll be off to spend time with Nick and maybe even go for a hike.

Enjoy your weekend! Be sure to fill a few moments or hours with things that make YOU feel your best!

Til again,

Thursday, May 26, 2011

On the road to...

I spend way too much time trying to figure out my life and some days it seems that my life moves on without me.

This is not really a bad thing.  If my life waited for me to make some decisions I would truly be stuck.  Perhaps I already am...sort of stuck.

What I've needed is change.  Change to how I see things,  how I feel about things and what I do with my time.  These are tough choices to think about.  However, making no decision is making the choice to stay where I am.

I love this picture with the word written in the sand.  Have you ever been stuck in the sand?  Have you ever wiggled your toes so that you sunk down even further?  I remember how that feels and the further down you go the harder it is to move.  Right?

So, I've made the decision to change; to move forward with my life.

Here are some of my basic changes:
  1. alter my dietary choices to include high protein, low fruit, gluten free
  2. set my personal boundaries and stick to them
  3. enjoy my personal time without guilt
OK, for some of you this may seem very simple but for me this is huge and life changing.

I would love to hear your ideas.  Do you struggle with change?  If so, how do you move forward?

Til again,
