Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Yesterday I got back up on that horse (figuratively) and started back to a fitness routine I had a couple of years ago. Go me! I let it go way too long. When I realized that I was only getting in 1500-2000 steps each day I realized why the heck I wasn't losing weight! My goal this week is to reach 3000 each day with a slow build to 10,000. I know I can do this. As my weight continues to creep up I'm feeling like I need to take back control.
Remember I said earlier that my focus this year is BALANCE? Well that means in my physical activity as well. I can no longer sit around and whimp and whine about it.
Join me in finding balance. How do you maintain and sense of stability and an even keel in your life? I would love to hear your thoughts.
Off to enjoy some lunch, do some work and then work out baby!!!
I'm skipping through the snow today. Nothing is going to hold me back. Watch out world, here I come!!
til again
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