I know the New Year isn't here just yet but as I'm finishing up my day I was thinking of goodbyes. For today specifically saying goodbye to this blasted cold that has invaded my body. From sore throat, to runny nose and now deep in my chest, this has occupied way too much of me and my time. So, it's time to say good bye.
On a completely different level we're saying good bye for a few days to the snow that made this Christmas so white. This is a picture of our driveway and garage. Pretty in white. Isn't it? Not sure how much will be left by tomorrow morning. Never fear though as winter has just begun and there will be at least three more months to say farewell to the white fluffy stuff.
On a more personal note I've said adios to all things gluten and dairy. Difficult? Not as much as I had originally thought. Up until the flu set in I was really feeling much better. Great choices to be rid of for sure.
With sending things away I make room in my head and my heart for what's new. Who knows what's around the corner. I know there will be some challenges but nothing that I cannot handle head on and for sure some wonderful, exciting opportunities.
I'm excited and ready to go. Well, maybe after a good night's sleep and a day without going through an entire box of tissues. Miracles can happen!
Til again,
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